Monday, November 7, 2011

Poor Baby!

Yesterday, we went to Furman to let Mills feed the ducks. The kids loves ducks. She was having a great time feeding ducks and just hanging out being cute as seen below.

So, we went to leave and we stopped to play with some sweet doggies. One of them licked Miller right in the face, which she loved. She was crying in the car, but we thought she was just tired but when we got home, the poor baby girl's eye was almost swollen shut. It was pitiful.

I did what any good mom would do-completely freaked out! And then I gave her some Benadryl (which made her drunk and caused her legs to continually fall out from under her as she was toddling full speed, which was hilarious) and the swelling went down. Could she be allergic to dog spit? I guess we are headed back to the allergist. This has not been a good week for eyeballs in this family.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I have never blogged out of chronological order before, and it is kind of stressing me out, but I am going to go ahead and cover Halloween and I will have to get back to some other stuff later. I think. At least I plan to. Anyway, Halloween....

We started off on a bad note with Millypants in a crabby mood and mommy waiting at the doctor for an HOUR AND A HALF with flippin' pink eye. Ridiculous. It was 5:45 when that stuipid doctor walked in and said, "I guess you can see that we are running..." At which point I interrupted with, "Yes, you are running AN HOUR AND FIFTEEN MINUTES behind and I am MISSING HALLOWEEN. Now, I have pink eye, let's do this!" I really don't understand why they make four appointments for the SAME time. Call me crazy, but last time I checked, ONE doctor can only see ONE person at a time. But this is all beside the point.

Once I got home and we got Miller to the pizza portion of the evening, our little cheerleader was as happy as could be. Kid loves some pizza.

We did not take her trick-or-treating. She hung out in the driveway and handed out candy and was really stinkin' cute putting one piece of candy into each kid's bag. It was fun times. Due to my stupid eye and the idiot doctor's office, here is our best attempt at a family picture. Thanks to our neighbor, Stephanie who stopped mid trick-or-treat to take pics for us. Unfortunately, we were not very photogenic. Mommy has pink eye, baby has food all over her face (and a hilariously giant belly), and daddy just looks very surprised for some reason.

Oh well. These things never go as planned.

14 Months

For Miller's 14 month photo shoot, we were able to capture a few of her current favorite activities.....

showing her belly

getting in and out of her car

and being generally uncooperative for photo ops.

I know that you probably don't care, but I do, so I am going to list the words that she says right now. They mainly start with "b" for some reason.

ball-her favorite
bow-my favorite
banana "bababa"
bunny "bun"
mama-hardly ever, and pronounced like "mamaMA"
dada- all the stinkin' time

She also says something resembling yes, which sounds like "sssss." That is all I can think of right now. I am sure Fred will let me know what I forgot!

Right now, Miller loves being outside, hug-attacks (we got a note from her teacher that she is "lovingly aggressive"), eating, and drinking milk. She is mildly obsessed with milk and would prefer to have a cup of milk hanging out of her mouth hands-free at all times. She still only uses a straw cup and won't use a sippy cup. I tried to send it to school and make her teachers deal with trying to make her do it, but they were on to me and asked me not to send it anymore. Oh well. Isn't that what I am paying them for? She can also point to her head, belly, nose, ear, foot, and eyes. She would also love to point out these body parts on anyone else who is willing to let her. She is in a really fun stage right now, and pretty much just hangs out and plays. I think we will keep her.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Baby Girl Finally Took Off

In case you are really enthralled with videos of other people's kids walking....

We thought they day would never come, but about 2 weeks ago Miller FINALLY took off, and she hasn't looked back since. She had been cruising forever, then moved on to taking 2 and 3 steps at a time. She was sooo careful. Her teacher told us one day that she walked across the room at school and she thought it was going to take forever. So, we told her that all the cool babies were walking and then she was like, "Oh, ok." Now she is all over the place. She doesn't want us to hold her hand and do not dare try to confine her to a grocery cart.


That's Just How Miller Rolls....

Topless and in the cabinet. Word.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Miller's Birthday Party

Millsy wanted to have her birthday party at the pool, so that is what we did. She also requested a pink and orange color scheme and a ridiculous hair bow/bathing suit combo. And that is just what she got.

The guest of honor was about 45 minutes late to the party, because she refused to wake up. Which is crazy, because this kid never sleeps. She also never made it into the pool, but she didn't seem to mind.

We were certain that Miller would dig into her cake face first, because she is basically a huge pig. But, she actually got all prissy for the birthday paparazzi and barely touched the cake. She preferred to snack on a Whole Foods brand cereal bar instead. Go figure.

Her beach ball cake and bathing suit cupcakes were crafted by the fabulous Kelly Burgette, Kindergarten teacher and cake decorator extraordinaire. I am pretty sure I have to give her our second child as payment for all the time she spent (on the first week back to school, no less) working on Miller's birthday.

Here are some party pics for your enjoyment:

yumminess. ps-maybe chocolate covered everything was a poor choice on a 90 degree day.

when it is your party, you can get away with stuff like putting your feet on the table.

since miller wasn't really into the cake, her cousins got in on the action.

cutest cake ever. thanks, kelly b.


A good time was had by all. Miller ended the day by peeing on her Memama (stupid swim diapers) and opening gifts at home in her diaper, surrounding by screaming cousins, redneck-style.

Miller's Is One!

Miller turned one on August 12. I can't believe our baby is not a baby anymore! What does this make her? She is not a toddler, cause she can't toddle yet. She did take TEN steps this morning. And yes, we are counting. This Type A momma really wants her baby to walk. Anyway, I digress...

Here is Baby Girl's 12 month picture:
(you can't tell, but the signs says "12 months and 2 days."oops. we were a little busy.)

She is trying to escape the chair, which is pretty much how she rolls these days. And speaking of chairs, Miller now has two of her very own baby-size chairs. She got a pink chair from CC and a rocking chair from Memama for her birthday. She loves climbing in and out of both and trying really hard to make the rocking chair rock by nodding her head.

For those of you who are taking notes,we just had Mills' 12 months doctor appointment on Tuesday. She was 50-something % for weight (20 lbs), and 40-something % for height. So, she's not that short YET. In other medical news, she has two more teeth finally breaking through. So now she has 6....all the better to bite you with! And if you go near her mouth with food, you are likely to come back with a nub FYI. She is kind of like a pit bull. But smaller.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

11 Months

So, this was the best shot we got for an 11 months photo. You like the look on her face, don't you? And now for your Bobbles Update...

Miller is definitely starting to get a little personality. She knows what she wants, and she wants it NOW! She loves to ride around in her pink cozy coupe, practice almost-walking (she can take about a step and a half), and eat.

She will eat almost anything. She has been spitting out tomatoes lately, but that is really the only thing I can think of that she won't eat. She is currently in a pretty serious relationship with blackberries. She only cheats on them with her bottle. It is the love of her life.

We are down to 3 bottles a day, and I am terrified of how sad she is going to be in a few weeks when we have to lose the bedtime bottle. As soon as we start her bedtime routine, she starts whining and looking around for it. It is her best friend, and she is really going to miss it!

In fact, "ba ba" for "bottle" is one of her three words. We also get "ba ba" for "ball." And here is some tragic news, folks. She is alllllll about saying "DaDa." As soon as she sees Fred after work, she is all "DADA!" But Mama, you know the one who carried her for nine (actually ten) months and suffered irreparable bodily harm (if you don't know, you don't want to know) from her delivery.....I get nothin'. Now, she can say "mamamamama", but it is more of a whiny noise than a noun at this point. Anytime she is whining, she says "mama", but not so much when actually referring to me. Oh, well. Daddy says it's because she knows that all she has to say is "DaDa" and he will get her whatever she wants. She is not rotten at all.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

4th of July

OMG- I just realized that in my last 4th of July post I was HUGELY pregnant. That means I have been blogging (pretty inconsistently) for a year. I think I was supposed to do some type of blog birthday post. Oops. Pretend I did that.

Anyway, we took Mills to her first 4th of July cookout. And guess what? She had another first too! Her first flower from a BOY!

Please excuse the crappy I-Phone photo. We were not prepared, as we were not expecting this milestone to occur for at least 13 more years!


Last week, we went to Edisto. It was Miller's first time at the beach,
and this picture pretty much sums up how she felt about it.

Miller enjoyed lots ofthings while we were at the beach, such as....

eating sand,

modeling new fashions,

hanging out with CC,

and snuggling her cousin, Wade.

Then, we went to the Children's Museum in Charleston where Miller snagged a 9 month old boyfriend. I wish I had a picture, but I didn't want to photograph someone else's child without asking. Miller was all hugged up on this kid within 2 minutes of spotting him. She has got to learn to let them come to her! She also enjoyed riding a blue duck.

Then, she was imprisoned for un-ladylike behavior.

Finally, Bobbles decided that our dirty and gross accomodations beach house (no thanks to a certain crappy real estate agency, which I will gladly give you the name of so you never use it) offended her delicate nature, so she let us know she was ready to head home.

So we did.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

10 Months

Well, Miller will be 11 months next week, so I guess it is time to post her 10 month photo. ..

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Baby Dedication

Miller's baby dedication was last Sunday. For those of you non-Baptists such as myself (I may have joined a Baptist church, but I am not sure I am ready to call myself a Baptist just yet), it is basically a regular-people Baptism without the water. Don't worry, we threw some water at her head when we got home, just in case. We tried to get a good family picture afterwards, and here is what happened...

9 Months Old!

I can't believe Bobbles is 9 months old. That seems way too close to a year! It is getting harder and harder to take these pictures, because she is all over the place. She has learned to open cabinets, is pulling up on everything, and basically trying to break her face all day long. It is giving me a panic attack of course.

I only have 12 more days of school, so I can chase her around all day long soon and hopefully be a better blogger. But probly not.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Miller really enjoyed a few new things on her first Easter.

1. Wearing shoes.
2. Wearing bunny ears.
3. Swinging at the park.
4. Conning a lady at the church nursery into walking the halls with her while she slept.

Here she is modeling her Easter fashions.

And She's Off!

I don't have any pictures or video to prove it, because our computer isn't in the mood to upload from my phone, but....Miller is officially crawling AND pulling up. She crawled on Thursday and pulled up on Sunday in her crib. She has been all over the place for a while, but now it is official!

In other news, there are only 21 days of school left. Praise Jesus!

Speaking of Jesus, Miller's dedication is this weekend. She will probably learn to walk before then...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

8 Months

Here is Miller's 8 months picture, which was taken on April 12th.

I don't have too much exciting news. Bobbles is still trying really hard to crawl, but mostly deciding to roll instead. She can stand up while holding on to something or someone and is basically all over the place.

I am having nightmares about her baby dedication, which is in 2 weeks. I am picturing a bunch of sweet little arm babies laying there looking pretty and one wild Miller baby wiggling all over the place wanting to be put down. She has also figured out how to squeal, so I am 99% sure she will be doing that too.

She is not interested in napping at all! Some days we are only getting 2 thirty minute naps! I think I may have had too much caffeine while I was pregnant. Oops.

Miller is talking a lot saying "ma ma ma"and "da da da."

Most importantly, I think she had her first baby temper tantrum in TJ Maxx yesterday. She grabbed a dress off the rack. Apparently she thought it was cute. Too bad mommy thought it was ugly, so I put it back. Miller screamed bloody murder, so I handed the dress back to her and she started giggling and flapping her arms. I said, "Sorry Miller, this dress is not cute. Mommy is not going to buy you an ugly dress." I thought she would understand that I was trying to help her develop her fashion sense, but no luck. She screamed and screamed until I took her out of the shopping cart and made a quick exit. Geez.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Well, Miller will be 8 months old next week and I haven't even done her 7 month post. Or anything else since her 6 month post for that matter. she is at 7 months.

We couldn't get a great picture since Fred was out of town and she really wanted to eat that paper.

She has been eating all kinds of food (squash, avocado, blueberries, green beans, pears, peas, yogurt, rice, oatmeal, bananas, puffs, Mum-Mums....) She will pretty much eat anything. She is also really trying to crawl. Mostly she just revs up her little engine and then topples over. Sometimes she does a little leap frog move and then lands on her face. Then she just rolls around until she gets where she is trying to go.

We went to the doctor this week because I thought she was having allergies. Despite the fact that 400 people told me babies can't have allergies, the doctor looked at her from across the room and said, "She looks allergic from here." 10 points for mommy! She weighed in at 17 lbs 4 oz. Big girl!

Maybe I will do her 8 month post in a more timely manner. I am going to do my best to update the photo blog ASAP.

That's all for now. We've got to get ready for church. Can babies wear seersucker before Easter? I hope so, because mine is about to....

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Miller is 6 Months Old!

OK, so she is actually 6 and a half months old, but she used to be 6 months old. And here is what she looked like....

At her 6 month appointment, Bobbles weighed 15 bs 9 oz. Yay for weight gain! She was also in the 74th percentile for height. So, we had a paternity test done, and....ha ha ha, only kidding! We were pretty shocked to have such a tall girl though.

Baby girl has been eating a lot of people food lately including sweet potatoes, bananas, yogurt, green beans, carrots, and Baby Mum Mums. For those of you who aren't in-the-know, that would be a rice cracker. She has also grown two teeth! With her teeth came a new smile that is probably the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life. Miller's cousin, E-Baby, apparently found it a bit confusing.

Things have been crazy busy around here between Fred getting sick every weekend and going out of town every week. And then there's that silly baby, who just seems to take up a lot of my time!

My 365 photos blog is actually turning out to be more like a 186 photos blog, but you will just have to deal with that. I am going to update it right now. Promise.

I would say I am going to be a better blogger, but I am probably not. So there.

Monday, February 7, 2011

New Layout

I hope that y'all like my new layout, because I paid $10 for it. But I think it looks awesome and now I am all professional and stuff. Here is a quick update of what has been going on at Casa de Blevins...

1. Fred has gotten sick twice.

2. I have gotten sick once and still am. I am home from school today with the virus that almost half of Kindergarten has. I am told it is a "viral throat cold." I have not met my deductible, so I will just go with that rather than going to the doctor myself.

3. Miller has gotten sick....well, basically she has had a cough and/or runny nose like every day since she started baby school. She, in fact, has met her deductible. I believe it was met on like January 8th.

4. Miller is sitting up. For real. When I took the picture below, she was only sitting up for about a second. She fell over right after this pic. Go ahead and nominate me for mom of the year, because a few days later I let her hit her head on the coffee table when she teetered while trying to sit. Oops.

(please excuse the lack of pants)

5. Pickles and Rocky have gone into foster care. It is actually permanent foster care, but it makes me feel better to call it that. I just couldn't keep up with their mess. Our backyard is red clay and the grass won't grow because of them running around. Before Miller was born, I spent at least 63% of my life mopping, sweeping, and vacuuming our couches. I just couldn't do it anymore, and they also started chewing again. Our rugs and our moldings. Not cool. So, my assistant at school took them to live with her and her 2 other dogs and 6 cats. It is the only place they could ever go to be more spoiled than here. We are really sad, but it was the best decision. I really didn't want Miller to be covered in red dirt when she starts crawling, which is going to be soon. I really feel like a jerk about it, so if anyone wants to tell me I am not a jerk I would really like that.

6. I have been very bad at my photo-a-day project. I will try to do better. Just to clarify, the plan was to TAKE one photo a day, not POST one a day. That will never happen.

7. Blogger keeps making my pictures blurry. Why, Blogger, why??

Well, that is all for now. I am going back to my sick station on the couch to watch Food Network and HGTV.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Evidently I am a really bad blogger. Now, I will trick you into thinking I have posted something by directing you to a slideshow of pictures of a really cute baby.

Click on "Clients."

Put in this password: rebecca0812.

Enjoy some cuteness!

These were taken in December, when Miller was still rocking the comb-over. Almost all of her original hair has fallen out now, leaving her with a cute, blonde fuzz-head.

I would write more, but Fred is sick (again) and I have eleventy-billion things to do. Maybe one day I will write a real post.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

5 Months Old!

Wednesday was Miller's 5 month birthday. She celebrated her birthday by learning two fascinating new tricks!

Miller is now officially able to hold her own bottle and roll over from her back to her stomach.

She has also been enjoying some crazy lap gymnastics.

Just in case any doctors are reading this, she has gained over a pound since her 4 month check-up and is weighing in around 13 lbs, 9 oz. Yay for weight gain! (you'll probably never hear me say that again.)

In other news, this kid has the most bizzaro sleep habits. She sleeps like crazy at night. She went to bed at about 6:45 last night and is still asleep. It is 8:05. (Yay!) However, she does not seem to want to nap for more than 30 minutes at a time. (Boo!) Oh well, I will take night sleep over day sleep any day.

Miller (and mommy) are adjusting to baby school. Even though she only had to go for a day and a half this week due to the snow, her teachers said she had great days. Hooray. I think she is quickly becoming their favorite, just as I knew she would. I also think that wearing her bunny hat yesterday really bumped her up a notch over the other babies in cuteness points.

PS- This is absolutely NOT what she wore to school. I am just illustrating the cuteness of the hat. This is the crazy outfit we bundled her up in to go on a walk in the snow. It included two sleepers on top of each other. Poor kid couldn't move.

PPS- For some reason, Blogger is blurry-in my pics. I don't know how to fix it. Sorry.