Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sullivan's Island

So, I am way behind on posting as usual. We went to the beach the first week in July. I think the camera has basically been plugged in to the computer since we got back in anticipation of blogging about it, but I am just now getting around to it.

While we were at the beach, Miller decided that since she had been sleeping through the night since she was 11 weeks old, that she was just making life too easy on us. She woke up every night that we were there. She did not really was much worse than that. She did a pitiful, wailing, routine of sayings such as "Mommy, Daddy come!", "I get in Mommy Daddy bed!", "I get puppy and blanket and take in Mommy Daddy room?" That  little con artist! We finally caved a few times and put her in our bed, which we have NEVER done. Let me tell you how well that worked-it didn't. She still wouldn't go to sleep. Just when we thought she was out, she would suddenly say something like, "LOOK (pronounced "yook") Mommy, I have blue eyes!" and just laugh and laugh. She also reported to us each time the air conditioner came on or went off through the night. Seriously. "Air is on. Oh, air turn off!"  Ridiculous. We got very little sleep that week, but other than that we had a great time.

To say that Miller liked the beach would be an understatement. She called the beach "Miller's ocean" and is still referring to it that way. Today, when we went to pick up our neighbor's mail for them, Miller said, "They at the beach? Is Miller's ocean there?" Bless her heart! Isn't she sweet to share her ocean with the rest of the world? What an only child she is!

I am wondering if we can sneak in another weekend at the beach (some beach, any beach) before school starts back. I think I will tell Miller to ask her Daddy....

Here are some pictures from our trip.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Miller has a crazy vocabulary for a not yet two-year-old. She mainly says things correctly and speaks in full sentences, but she also says the funniest things, and I wanted to write some of them down before they go away! I am sure this will be extremely boring for almost anyone who reads it. Don't say I didn't warn you.

1. She calls her fingers her fingernails: "Mommy, I got a boo-boo on my fingernail!"
2. When she wants more of something, she says "I more some!"
3. Fred and I call each other baby, and we call Miller baby, so now she calls us baby! It is hilarious. She will hand me something and say, "Mommy, here baby."
4. When she successfully accomplishes something, Miller will say "I do-ed it!"
5. When she wants you to put her to bed and pat her back, she says "Pat-pat me gin! (again)"
6. When she wants milk or juice, she says "I milky?" or "I juicy?" or the ever-popular "I more some milky?"
7. A ride in the stroller is referred to as a "stro-yee ride."

Mills is also really into singing songs lately. She has funny names for every song that she requests, such as...

Jesus Loves Me= Jesus Loves Me This I Know Bible Tell Me Sooooo
Jesus Loves the Little Children=Black and White
You Are My Sunshine=Shunshine
The ABC Song= ABCDEFG (It is sung like this: A B C D E F G, H I J and P, Cooo, R, S, T. U, V, Double Y, Z, Now I know my A B C D E F G....and she starts over)

Miller knows her first and last name. It is Mi-yer Bevins. She also knows when things happen. They happen on Sunday. All things happen on Sunday. "I go pool on Sunday?" or "Daddy come home on Sunday?" She can also tell time. It is usually "40 clock", but last night it was "45." She looked at the clock on the stove, and said "Mommy, it's 45?" Any other time she hears anything about a number, she says "45". For example, if I ask Fred when dinner will be ready, Miller will say "Uh, 45!"

Those are all the Millerisms that I can think of right now, but there are many more. I personally find her hilarious. Obviously.