Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Bo's Half Birthday!

Sweet Baby Bo is 6 months old!

Bo has started vision therapy and physical therapy. We are still waiting on the OT to schedule an evaluation, but I'm sure he will qualify and start that soon. He is also finally starting to eat some people food. He has only eaten sweet potatoes and carrots so far. Apparently, he likes orange. Hopefully he doesn't turn into a Clemson fan like his sister! He is sleeping through the night pretty regularly and is still a pretty good napper for the most part. He is still basically the happiest, most laid back kid ever. 

We went to the endocrinologist on Friday and got a good report. He weighed in at 16.2 pounds (25th percentile) and measured 25 inches (3rd percentile.) The fact that he is a shorty may or may not be a concern regarding Human Growth Hormone, but he IS mine and Fred's kid, so obviously he would be short! We will continue to monitor him and go back there in 3 months. We are supposed to go to the pediatrician for a well check tomorrow, but I am sure that will be cancelled due to Snowpacolypse 2014. We also have an appointment with a pediatric neuro-ophthalmologist at Duke on March 4th.  

This picture cracks me up. Miller loves Bo, and Bo loves his feet. That is all. 

Sunday, February 2, 2014


We went to the circus yesterday. We went last year, and Miller loved it, so we knew we should take her again. Miller and Fred had an awesome time. I was kind of having a panic attack the whole time, because at the very beginning one of the acrobats fell off of a bicycle and hit her head. She looked pretty disoriented and one of the circus guys (I don't know what I am supposed to call him) had to come get her and take her away. Scary! I was a nervous wreck worrying that someone else was going to fall after that, so I couldn't really enjoy myself. Miller was also worried and kept asking last night and a few times today about "that girl that fell." Other than that, she really loved it. She spent the majority of yesterday afternoon getting in trouble for jumping off her bed and climbing on things, because she was "a trapeze girl."

$10 (complete with souvenir leaky cup that is impossible to drink from)
Getting Out Without One of Those Spinny Light Up Toys for the Second Year in a Row: 