Saturday, May 14, 2011

Baby Dedication

Miller's baby dedication was last Sunday. For those of you non-Baptists such as myself (I may have joined a Baptist church, but I am not sure I am ready to call myself a Baptist just yet), it is basically a regular-people Baptism without the water. Don't worry, we threw some water at her head when we got home, just in case. We tried to get a good family picture afterwards, and here is what happened...

9 Months Old!

I can't believe Bobbles is 9 months old. That seems way too close to a year! It is getting harder and harder to take these pictures, because she is all over the place. She has learned to open cabinets, is pulling up on everything, and basically trying to break her face all day long. It is giving me a panic attack of course.

I only have 12 more days of school, so I can chase her around all day long soon and hopefully be a better blogger. But probly not.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Miller really enjoyed a few new things on her first Easter.

1. Wearing shoes.
2. Wearing bunny ears.
3. Swinging at the park.
4. Conning a lady at the church nursery into walking the halls with her while she slept.

Here she is modeling her Easter fashions.

And She's Off!

I don't have any pictures or video to prove it, because our computer isn't in the mood to upload from my phone, but....Miller is officially crawling AND pulling up. She crawled on Thursday and pulled up on Sunday in her crib. She has been all over the place for a while, but now it is official!

In other news, there are only 21 days of school left. Praise Jesus!

Speaking of Jesus, Miller's dedication is this weekend. She will probably learn to walk before then...