Wednesday, April 20, 2011

8 Months

Here is Miller's 8 months picture, which was taken on April 12th.

I don't have too much exciting news. Bobbles is still trying really hard to crawl, but mostly deciding to roll instead. She can stand up while holding on to something or someone and is basically all over the place.

I am having nightmares about her baby dedication, which is in 2 weeks. I am picturing a bunch of sweet little arm babies laying there looking pretty and one wild Miller baby wiggling all over the place wanting to be put down. She has also figured out how to squeal, so I am 99% sure she will be doing that too.

She is not interested in napping at all! Some days we are only getting 2 thirty minute naps! I think I may have had too much caffeine while I was pregnant. Oops.

Miller is talking a lot saying "ma ma ma"and "da da da."

Most importantly, I think she had her first baby temper tantrum in TJ Maxx yesterday. She grabbed a dress off the rack. Apparently she thought it was cute. Too bad mommy thought it was ugly, so I put it back. Miller screamed bloody murder, so I handed the dress back to her and she started giggling and flapping her arms. I said, "Sorry Miller, this dress is not cute. Mommy is not going to buy you an ugly dress." I thought she would understand that I was trying to help her develop her fashion sense, but no luck. She screamed and screamed until I took her out of the shopping cart and made a quick exit. Geez.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Well, Miller will be 8 months old next week and I haven't even done her 7 month post. Or anything else since her 6 month post for that matter. she is at 7 months.

We couldn't get a great picture since Fred was out of town and she really wanted to eat that paper.

She has been eating all kinds of food (squash, avocado, blueberries, green beans, pears, peas, yogurt, rice, oatmeal, bananas, puffs, Mum-Mums....) She will pretty much eat anything. She is also really trying to crawl. Mostly she just revs up her little engine and then topples over. Sometimes she does a little leap frog move and then lands on her face. Then she just rolls around until she gets where she is trying to go.

We went to the doctor this week because I thought she was having allergies. Despite the fact that 400 people told me babies can't have allergies, the doctor looked at her from across the room and said, "She looks allergic from here." 10 points for mommy! She weighed in at 17 lbs 4 oz. Big girl!

Maybe I will do her 8 month post in a more timely manner. I am going to do my best to update the photo blog ASAP.

That's all for now. We've got to get ready for church. Can babies wear seersucker before Easter? I hope so, because mine is about to....