Sunday, January 30, 2011


Evidently I am a really bad blogger. Now, I will trick you into thinking I have posted something by directing you to a slideshow of pictures of a really cute baby.

Click on "Clients."

Put in this password: rebecca0812.

Enjoy some cuteness!

These were taken in December, when Miller was still rocking the comb-over. Almost all of her original hair has fallen out now, leaving her with a cute, blonde fuzz-head.

I would write more, but Fred is sick (again) and I have eleventy-billion things to do. Maybe one day I will write a real post.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

5 Months Old!

Wednesday was Miller's 5 month birthday. She celebrated her birthday by learning two fascinating new tricks!

Miller is now officially able to hold her own bottle and roll over from her back to her stomach.

She has also been enjoying some crazy lap gymnastics.

Just in case any doctors are reading this, she has gained over a pound since her 4 month check-up and is weighing in around 13 lbs, 9 oz. Yay for weight gain! (you'll probably never hear me say that again.)

In other news, this kid has the most bizzaro sleep habits. She sleeps like crazy at night. She went to bed at about 6:45 last night and is still asleep. It is 8:05. (Yay!) However, she does not seem to want to nap for more than 30 minutes at a time. (Boo!) Oh well, I will take night sleep over day sleep any day.

Miller (and mommy) are adjusting to baby school. Even though she only had to go for a day and a half this week due to the snow, her teachers said she had great days. Hooray. I think she is quickly becoming their favorite, just as I knew she would. I also think that wearing her bunny hat yesterday really bumped her up a notch over the other babies in cuteness points.

PS- This is absolutely NOT what she wore to school. I am just illustrating the cuteness of the hat. This is the crazy outfit we bundled her up in to go on a walk in the snow. It included two sleepers on top of each other. Poor kid couldn't move.

PPS- For some reason, Blogger is blurry-in my pics. I don't know how to fix it. Sorry.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Baby School

Miller started daycare last week. I, like some other moms I know, prefer to call it "baby school." It sounds a lot less guilty, don't you think? This way, I can pretend that daycare is a place where Miller must go in order to learn very important baby stuff rather than a place she goes just because she obviously has to go somewhere while I am at work.

Miller has done okay. The first few days, they said she required "a lot of comforting." I took that to mean she screamed all day. By Friday, they said she had a great day. They also said that they have only ever had one baby that took longer than a week to adjust. I am sure the nice lady did not mean to terrify me by saying that, but she did. All I could think about every day after that was, "What if Miller is the second baby to take more than a week to adjust?" I didn't want my kid to be the one she was talking about to the next new mom, like, "Well, all but two babies have taken only a week to adjust. The two that took longer were this Korean kid who didn't understand the language or his new American name and this really high maintenance kid named Miller." Anyway, thank God Mills had a good day on Friday, so it's still just the Korean kid. Phew!

It is a good thing there is not a list of moms who took longer than a week to adjust, because I would be on it. I just don't like the idea of daycare. I don't like that Miller has to hang out with a bunch of dirty babies all day. I pretty much feel like everyone else's babies are dirty. Mine, of course, is not. I don't like that the baby school teachers are pretty much going to do whatever they want with her all day and tell me what I want to hear. How do I know that? Well, because I am a teacher too! Just kidding, but I am sure that there are times when they will do something different than what I ask, and I don't like that. I don't like that the teachers at Extremely Religious University Baby School don't exactly get me and look at me like I am crazy whenever I talk and probably go home and pray for me, referring to me as "that un-modest mom who wears pants."

But....I do like that Miller going to baby school allows me to go to work, which allows us to have food, shelter, the new couches we are about to get (yay!), the occasional expensive handbag etc. So, there you have it. Baby school it is.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

365 Photos

Get excited. I have started another blog. In the grand tradition of bloggers everywhere, I am going to attempt to post a photo every day this year. For those of you who would enjoy seeing a photo of me, my baby, my husband, my dogs, etc EVERY DAY, you now have the opportunity here. You're welcome.