Wednesday, July 20, 2011

11 Months

So, this was the best shot we got for an 11 months photo. You like the look on her face, don't you? And now for your Bobbles Update...

Miller is definitely starting to get a little personality. She knows what she wants, and she wants it NOW! She loves to ride around in her pink cozy coupe, practice almost-walking (she can take about a step and a half), and eat.

She will eat almost anything. She has been spitting out tomatoes lately, but that is really the only thing I can think of that she won't eat. She is currently in a pretty serious relationship with blackberries. She only cheats on them with her bottle. It is the love of her life.

We are down to 3 bottles a day, and I am terrified of how sad she is going to be in a few weeks when we have to lose the bedtime bottle. As soon as we start her bedtime routine, she starts whining and looking around for it. It is her best friend, and she is really going to miss it!

In fact, "ba ba" for "bottle" is one of her three words. We also get "ba ba" for "ball." And here is some tragic news, folks. She is alllllll about saying "DaDa." As soon as she sees Fred after work, she is all "DADA!" But Mama, you know the one who carried her for nine (actually ten) months and suffered irreparable bodily harm (if you don't know, you don't want to know) from her delivery.....I get nothin'. Now, she can say "mamamamama", but it is more of a whiny noise than a noun at this point. Anytime she is whining, she says "mama", but not so much when actually referring to me. Oh, well. Daddy says it's because she knows that all she has to say is "DaDa" and he will get her whatever she wants. She is not rotten at all.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

4th of July

OMG- I just realized that in my last 4th of July post I was HUGELY pregnant. That means I have been blogging (pretty inconsistently) for a year. I think I was supposed to do some type of blog birthday post. Oops. Pretend I did that.

Anyway, we took Mills to her first 4th of July cookout. And guess what? She had another first too! Her first flower from a BOY!

Please excuse the crappy I-Phone photo. We were not prepared, as we were not expecting this milestone to occur for at least 13 more years!


Last week, we went to Edisto. It was Miller's first time at the beach,
and this picture pretty much sums up how she felt about it.

Miller enjoyed lots ofthings while we were at the beach, such as....

eating sand,

modeling new fashions,

hanging out with CC,

and snuggling her cousin, Wade.

Then, we went to the Children's Museum in Charleston where Miller snagged a 9 month old boyfriend. I wish I had a picture, but I didn't want to photograph someone else's child without asking. Miller was all hugged up on this kid within 2 minutes of spotting him. She has got to learn to let them come to her! She also enjoyed riding a blue duck.

Then, she was imprisoned for un-ladylike behavior.

Finally, Bobbles decided that our dirty and gross accomodations beach house (no thanks to a certain crappy real estate agency, which I will gladly give you the name of so you never use it) offended her delicate nature, so she let us know she was ready to head home.

So we did.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

10 Months

Well, Miller will be 11 months next week, so I guess it is time to post her 10 month photo. ..