Saturday, August 27, 2011

Miller's Birthday Party

Millsy wanted to have her birthday party at the pool, so that is what we did. She also requested a pink and orange color scheme and a ridiculous hair bow/bathing suit combo. And that is just what she got.

The guest of honor was about 45 minutes late to the party, because she refused to wake up. Which is crazy, because this kid never sleeps. She also never made it into the pool, but she didn't seem to mind.

We were certain that Miller would dig into her cake face first, because she is basically a huge pig. But, she actually got all prissy for the birthday paparazzi and barely touched the cake. She preferred to snack on a Whole Foods brand cereal bar instead. Go figure.

Her beach ball cake and bathing suit cupcakes were crafted by the fabulous Kelly Burgette, Kindergarten teacher and cake decorator extraordinaire. I am pretty sure I have to give her our second child as payment for all the time she spent (on the first week back to school, no less) working on Miller's birthday.

Here are some party pics for your enjoyment:

yumminess. ps-maybe chocolate covered everything was a poor choice on a 90 degree day.

when it is your party, you can get away with stuff like putting your feet on the table.

since miller wasn't really into the cake, her cousins got in on the action.

cutest cake ever. thanks, kelly b.


A good time was had by all. Miller ended the day by peeing on her Memama (stupid swim diapers) and opening gifts at home in her diaper, surrounding by screaming cousins, redneck-style.

Miller's Is One!

Miller turned one on August 12. I can't believe our baby is not a baby anymore! What does this make her? She is not a toddler, cause she can't toddle yet. She did take TEN steps this morning. And yes, we are counting. This Type A momma really wants her baby to walk. Anyway, I digress...

Here is Baby Girl's 12 month picture:
(you can't tell, but the signs says "12 months and 2 days."oops. we were a little busy.)

She is trying to escape the chair, which is pretty much how she rolls these days. And speaking of chairs, Miller now has two of her very own baby-size chairs. She got a pink chair from CC and a rocking chair from Memama for her birthday. She loves climbing in and out of both and trying really hard to make the rocking chair rock by nodding her head.

For those of you who are taking notes,we just had Mills' 12 months doctor appointment on Tuesday. She was 50-something % for weight (20 lbs), and 40-something % for height. So, she's not that short YET. In other medical news, she has two more teeth finally breaking through. So now she has 6....all the better to bite you with! And if you go near her mouth with food, you are likely to come back with a nub FYI. She is kind of like a pit bull. But smaller.