Sunday, April 7, 2013

Riverbanks Zoo

Yesterday, we took an impromptu trip to Columbia to go to the Riverbanks Zoo. We have been meaning to go for a while, and I am so glad we did. Miller had a ball despite the fact that she was about an eighth of an inch too short to ride the "ponytails." The weather was perfect and M was such a trooper considering she had no nap and had an hour and a half car ride both ways. Here are some pics....

This pretty much sums up how M felt about the zoo.

Making monkey faces on the carousel.

Hugging a monkey.

Checking out the penguins.

When you find out you are too short to ride the ponies, the only cure is ice cream!

We got to feed a giraffe, y'all! I want to do it again tomorrow!


For Easter, we went to Memama's, had an Easter egg hunt (where Cocky showed up), played with our cousins, and took awkward family photos.

M was terrified of Cocky. She is not a fan of costumed characters.
 She walked around the egg hunt with a suspicious look on her face saying,
 "I'm lookin' for that Easter Bunny."

This may have happened during a prayer....

Aforementioned awkward photo. There were about 30 and they are all at least this bad. 
20 weeks pregnant in a long purple dress=giant eggplant.

This is the second year that I have taken this same photo of M and E Baby at Easter.
 I hope I can make them recreate it until they are 36. 

Long Time No Blog

I haven't blogged since September, so I'm gonna catch this thing up to speed real quick. We're about to cover about 6 months in about 30 seconds. Ready?

Halloween- Miller was the cutest little Olivia the Pig ever. She was so cute that she got to be on the news during our neighborhood parade. Also, she got to go to Boo in the Zoo and trick-or-treat with her buddies, JJ and Alyssa. This was really her first introduction to candy-"canny"- and she has been in love ever since.

Thanksgiving- This picture has nothing to do with Thanksgiving, but this is what we did that day. We played on the playground at Mommy's school and went to CC's for dinner. 

Christmas- Miller appeared in her first school Christmas performance and sang (screamed) Jingle Bells, Where is Santa, and Jesus Loves Me. She was terrified of Santa but warmed up to him later in the season. The only thing she wanted for Christmas was "chocolate cookies." She got some Oreos in her stocking to fill that request along with a princess castle, a giant bear, a cupcake set, and some big girl panties. Santa took all of her diapers to other babies and,she was potty trained. It was easy as pie. 

There you have it. All the major holidays that you've missed. Also, somewhere in there, Mommy got knocked up. Baby # 2 is a BOY, which I am still in shock about, and he'll be here around August 13th.