Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sky Top

Yesterday, we went to Sky Top to pick some apples. If I can finish the 47 blog posts I am writing in order to get caught up, I am going to whip up some apple-y treats and pretend it is not 85 degrees today. Here is some orchard-y cuteness. 

Cutie apple-picker.

People kept commenting on Miller's apple dress as if that is not the obvious choice! People, you have to theme-dress your kids while you can before they figure out its not cool to wear the concert t-shirt to the concert (so to speak.)

Guess who made her kid sit in a tree for a photo op? 

This lady!

Just try and tell me that's not the cutest thing you have ever seen!

I would just like to point out the marketing genius of this stupid thing. Now we have to keep going back every year. Well played, Sky Top!

By the way, the first day of fall may sound like a cute time to go pick apples, but you will not be the only one who thought of it. That place was packed. When we left, there was a crazy long line of cars all the way down the road. To pick apples. I mean, you can buy them in the grocery store! You would have thought we were at Disney World. Next year we might pick a different weekend, but we had a good time. We also had the added bonus of meeting up with Miss Julianne for lunch, which is better than Disney World according to Miller!

"Apple Festival"

You will notice that the title of this post is in quotation marks. Since I am familiar with how the English language works, I have used them for a reason. We took Miller to the "Apple Festival" on Labor Day. You see, we planned on going to the actual Apple Festival in Hendersonville, but it was raining and we didn't want to drive up there just to get rained on. We decided to go to the Labor Day Festival in Simpsonville instead. We had already told M that we were going to the Apple Festival and she was really pumped up about eating apples there, which is a little odd since she doesn't actually like apples on a day to day basis. When we got to the Labor Day Festival, M was all "We at the apple festival! I eat a apple!" Well, we may have just decided to just go with it and tell her that we were at the Apple Festival. Ha haLucky for us, there was a little farmer's market there, so were able to get the kid an apple.

They had pony rides. M was afraid to actually ride the ponies at first, so she just stuck to petting them. 

Big girl riding a little train ride all by herself. This was a big deal, as Miller is usually a stage 5 clinger. 

This kid loves lemonade.

She also loves Simpsonville.

Finally, when we were about to leave, Miller decided that she would ride the "pony tails" after all. So she did. In the rain. She is still talking about it!


Miller loves her some Granddaddy. She was so happy to get to go see him in Alabama few weeks ago.

New School

Here is Miller on her first day of 2-year-old-school. Do we call that 2K? I don't know. The photo shoot was a little rushed since her first day was also my first day, so this was the best we could do. She's got her new lunch box and "Little Bunny", what else do you need?

Miller is loving her new school. She refers to the teachers as her "ladies" pronounced "yadies." She yoves her yadies. She is learning a lot, doing crafts, and coming home telling us about stories and songs. For example, "Mommy, I read  Little Red Hen. Eveybody say NO, NO NO!" She is also obsessed with Old MacDonald at the moment, which they must sing at school. We are also enjoying getting little snippets of things that happen during the day and quotes from the teachers, such as "Miss P (name withheld for her privacy-ha ha) says, I don't care if you cry!" Her poor teachers don't know what a little Repeat they have on their hands. Friday, she said, "Mommy, B (a boy at school) went tee tee out his hiny ALL over that brown carpet. Mrs. P say NO, NO!" I love it! We also get reports on who bit whom and who went to time out. We are so glad that she likes her new school.

Big Girl Bed

Guess who got a big girl bed for her 2nd birthday? We surprised Miller after her nap with a new big girl room on the day of her actual birthday (her party was the day before.) She was so excited and has never tried to get out of her of her bed at night or at nap time. Hooray!

Birthday Breakfast. 
(When you are allergic to eggs, birthday breakfast is pretty much exactly like all              
other breakfast- a cereal bar, but with a birthday hat.)

So excited about her new bed.

Testing it out. 

2nd Birthday

Well, it has only been about a month and a half since Miller's second birthday and I am just now getting around to blogging about it. I haven't written thank-you cards yet either, so if you are waiting one one, I am sorry. Things have been a little crazy around here. Anyway, Miller loved her party. She had a great time and behaved amazingly well for an over-stimulated 2 year old. Here are some pics.

Birthday Girl with Daddy.

Sometimes mommy needs two glasses of the same time. 

Family birthday pic. 

Blowing out her candles. 

Eating yogurt instead of the egg-free cake mommy made. 
(Which kind of tasted like cornbread, so I don't really blame her.)

Memama, Miller and E Baby. 

There were actual people at her party, but we don't seem to have a whole lot of pictures of them. Plus, I never know if other people want me to put their kids on my blog. I did not get a group shot though-maybe next year. 

Zoo Day

Miller and I went to the zoo right before we both started back to school. She had the best time and wanted to look at every animal for 20 minutes each. She also really wanted them all to "come over here!" She also had fun on the playground inside the zoo until some a-hole kid kept making her hit her head on the little animals that you ride on while his parents just sat there and did nothing. Seriously. Who lets their kid just beat up another kid while they watch contentedly from their chairs? Anyway,  here are some pics.

Little Gym

Miller did Little Gym this summer and she loved it. She also loved watching the Olympic gymnastics with mommy. We may have a little gymnast in the making. I am going to go out on a limb and say that her build will be more suited to gymnastics than ballet, so I think it would be a good choice. Here are some pictures of  Miller in action at the LG.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Summer Time

Miller is starting a new baby school (toddler school?) in the fall, so when I was done taking classes this summer she dropped out of Extremely Conservative Religious School. We have just been hanging out together all summer and having a great time. Here are some pictures of what we have been up to.

Going to the pool/practicing baby swimsuit model poses.

Eating Popsicles. This was actually her first ever Popsicle-she is now addicted,

Taking care of Baby Stella. Also wearing rompers.

Rocking awesome shades (upside down.)

Swinging in the garage with Cocky. 

Last, but not least, hanging out with daddy. 

I go back to school in a week and a half. After a few days of CC-care, Miller will start her new school. It should be interesting. Boo Boo has developed a pretty serious case of separation anxiety from all this time spent with Mommy lately. Hopefully, she will be ready to get back to playing with some friends her age-I know I am!

2 Year Check-Up

We went for Miller's 2 year well visit last Wednesday. No, she's not two yet, but she has had some medical drama (as usual) that we had to check on so we just combined the two appointments. Everything was fine (as usual.) Miller always talks about going to the doctor and gets all excited about it, but the minute they try to get her to lay down on that table she bugs out. She cried more today because she had to lay down than she did when they gave her a shot. She didn't cry at all for her finger prick. She actually watched very intently-maybe she will grow up to be a doctor. Or at the very least, maybe she won't have a panic attack at the sight of a needle like her mommy. Her stats were all medium-ish. Her height and weight were around the 65th percentile and her head was 74th. The kid has a big head, what can I say? She weighed 26 pounds. We aren't exactly sure about her height though, because she wouldn't lay down on the table and was freaking out. The nurse marked up her hair bow with the pen instead of the paper since Miller was struggling so much and then just gave up. I can't believe she is about to be TWO!

At the doctor....

In additional doctor-related news, we went back to the allergist this week to find out if Mills is still allergic to eggs. They also checked for a peanut allergy. They told us to hold off on feeding her peanuts until this appointment, because the egg allergy makes her more likely to be allergic to peanuts. The verdict....we have a winner (the words the allergist used.) If it wasn't bad enough that she has to travel to birthday parties with her own cupcake, now the poor baby is a peanut kid. Ewwwww. I mean, what's life without peanut butter? I hope she grows out of it!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sullivan's Island

So, I am way behind on posting as usual. We went to the beach the first week in July. I think the camera has basically been plugged in to the computer since we got back in anticipation of blogging about it, but I am just now getting around to it.

While we were at the beach, Miller decided that since she had been sleeping through the night since she was 11 weeks old, that she was just making life too easy on us. She woke up every night that we were there. She did not really was much worse than that. She did a pitiful, wailing, routine of sayings such as "Mommy, Daddy come!", "I get in Mommy Daddy bed!", "I get puppy and blanket and take in Mommy Daddy room?" That  little con artist! We finally caved a few times and put her in our bed, which we have NEVER done. Let me tell you how well that worked-it didn't. She still wouldn't go to sleep. Just when we thought she was out, she would suddenly say something like, "LOOK (pronounced "yook") Mommy, I have blue eyes!" and just laugh and laugh. She also reported to us each time the air conditioner came on or went off through the night. Seriously. "Air is on. Oh, air turn off!"  Ridiculous. We got very little sleep that week, but other than that we had a great time.

To say that Miller liked the beach would be an understatement. She called the beach "Miller's ocean" and is still referring to it that way. Today, when we went to pick up our neighbor's mail for them, Miller said, "They at the beach? Is Miller's ocean there?" Bless her heart! Isn't she sweet to share her ocean with the rest of the world? What an only child she is!

I am wondering if we can sneak in another weekend at the beach (some beach, any beach) before school starts back. I think I will tell Miller to ask her Daddy....

Here are some pictures from our trip.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Miller has a crazy vocabulary for a not yet two-year-old. She mainly says things correctly and speaks in full sentences, but she also says the funniest things, and I wanted to write some of them down before they go away! I am sure this will be extremely boring for almost anyone who reads it. Don't say I didn't warn you.

1. She calls her fingers her fingernails: "Mommy, I got a boo-boo on my fingernail!"
2. When she wants more of something, she says "I more some!"
3. Fred and I call each other baby, and we call Miller baby, so now she calls us baby! It is hilarious. She will hand me something and say, "Mommy, here baby."
4. When she successfully accomplishes something, Miller will say "I do-ed it!"
5. When she wants you to put her to bed and pat her back, she says "Pat-pat me gin! (again)"
6. When she wants milk or juice, she says "I milky?" or "I juicy?" or the ever-popular "I more some milky?"
7. A ride in the stroller is referred to as a "stro-yee ride."

Mills is also really into singing songs lately. She has funny names for every song that she requests, such as...

Jesus Loves Me= Jesus Loves Me This I Know Bible Tell Me Sooooo
Jesus Loves the Little Children=Black and White
You Are My Sunshine=Shunshine
The ABC Song= ABCDEFG (It is sung like this: A B C D E F G, H I J and P, Cooo, R, S, T. U, V, Double Y, Z, Now I know my A B C D E F G....and she starts over)

Miller knows her first and last name. It is Mi-yer Bevins. She also knows when things happen. They happen on Sunday. All things happen on Sunday. "I go pool on Sunday?" or "Daddy come home on Sunday?" She can also tell time. It is usually "40 clock", but last night it was "45." She looked at the clock on the stove, and said "Mommy, it's 45?" Any other time she hears anything about a number, she says "45". For example, if I ask Fred when dinner will be ready, Miller will say "Uh, 45!"

Those are all the Millerisms that I can think of right now, but there are many more. I personally find her hilarious. Obviously.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


We celebrated Easter in Columbia at Fred's mom's. Please notice how awesome Miller's dress is, since it has bunnies on it and probably will not fit again next year, so it was a one time deal. Really, look at the pics. Notice the dress. Thank you. Miller had a fun day with her cousins and enjoyed her Easter basket.

Easter Egg Hunt

After we got back from San Diego, we met up with Miller and Fred's family at an Easter egg hunt. Miller was super excited to see us, and snuggled us each for about 15 minutes with a big ol' smile on her face. She had a great time at her first egg hunt. She really enjoyed eating her first jello.

What? You didn't take pictures of your kid's first jello? You are just a bad mom. Anyway, the egg hunt was kind of confusing for her until we told her it was just like clean up time and started singing, "Clean up, clean up, everybody do your share!" Then, Miller was like, "Oh, I get it!" She began rushing to put all of the eggs in her basket and won two bags of candy. Which she is not aloud to eat. So, Fred and I won two bags of candy.

Plus there was a seesaw and an E Baby there to play with. I would say it was good times.