Thursday, November 25, 2010

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Since Thanksgiving will be officially over in just a few hours, I am getting super excited about Christmas. I can't wait for Miller's first Christmas. I am ready to put up our tree, buy new monogrammed stockings, make cookies with Miller helping from the Baby Bjorn, and order our first official family Christmas cards! I am also excited about taking pictures for them with our awesome new camera. I think that I would like to go non-traditional and do blue and brown or green and brown cards. I just like brown. I realize that this is a little bit of a wierd color choice for Christmas cards and I thought I might have a hard time finding them, but Snapfish actually has lots of options and you can search the cards by color so it was really easy to find them. Here are some cards that I like. (Disclaimer: If you think you might be receiving a Christmas card from us this year, then you should stop reading here lest you ruin your surprise!)

This is a cute green one. I also like that is says "Merry Everything!"

How cute is this owl? I bet nobody else will send you an owl-themed Christmas card.

And this brown and blue one is pretty. I really like the brown/blue combo.

They also have lots of really cute options in normal Christmas colors that you can check out here.

Merry Christmas Card Shopping!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Funniest Picture Ever

So, the first Duke basketball game was last Sunday. We felt the need to dress Miller in her Duke shirt and take her picture, of course. This will be very handy one day in case she decides to go to Duke....and become their first female linebacker.

3 Months Old!

I am waaaay behind on this post, because Miller turned 3 months old on November 12th. I seriously need to look into quitting my job so I can have time for important stuff, like blogging. But I can't really do that or I won't have money for important stuff, like eating. Too bad. Anyway, here is Miller's 3 month update:

Miller is finally starting to think about not hating her life, so that is good. She smiles a lot and hardly ever screams in our faces anymore. She goes to bed at 7:00 every night, and she has slept through the night for six nights in a row now. (Hallelujah, praise Jesus!) She can roll over from her stomach to her back, and she can raise up her whole head and chest when lying on her stomach. Her motor skills are very advanced, obviously. She is finally ok with taking a bottle. She loves her playmat, her mobile, seeing how much of her hand she can get into her mouth, and (I don't know where she got this from) looking at herself in the mirror. She also enjoys spitting up on people and then smiling about it. She is very cute, as you can see.


Miller has had a lot of "firsts" lately, including mommy's first weeks back at school, which is why I haven't blogged in a while. This whole going to work thing has really been cutting into my days! So, here is a quick recap of some firsts...

Miller's first tailgate (we didn't actually go into the game) was at Wofford homecoming a few weeks back. As you can see, she really enjoyed herself.

The next day was her first Halloween. Miller had fun helping us hand out candy until she fell asleep in my arms promptly at 7:01. (Her bedtime is 7:00.)

The next weekend, Fred and I got to go to our first football game of the season. Um...we may have chosen poorly since we lost. Badly. Here is how we pack for Columbia these days.

We have taken football cookies lots of times.

However, this is the first time we have taken a cooler full of beer and breast milk.