Wednesday, April 25, 2012


We celebrated Easter in Columbia at Fred's mom's. Please notice how awesome Miller's dress is, since it has bunnies on it and probably will not fit again next year, so it was a one time deal. Really, look at the pics. Notice the dress. Thank you. Miller had a fun day with her cousins and enjoyed her Easter basket.

Easter Egg Hunt

After we got back from San Diego, we met up with Miller and Fred's family at an Easter egg hunt. Miller was super excited to see us, and snuggled us each for about 15 minutes with a big ol' smile on her face. She had a great time at her first egg hunt. She really enjoyed eating her first jello.

What? You didn't take pictures of your kid's first jello? You are just a bad mom. Anyway, the egg hunt was kind of confusing for her until we told her it was just like clean up time and started singing, "Clean up, clean up, everybody do your share!" Then, Miller was like, "Oh, I get it!" She began rushing to put all of the eggs in her basket and won two bags of candy. Which she is not aloud to eat. So, Fred and I won two bags of candy.

Plus there was a seesaw and an E Baby there to play with. I would say it was good times. 

San Diego

So, I have come to the conclusion that I am a really bad blogger. This is my attempt at getting back on the wagon. Or something. I don't think that expression really applies here.

Anyway, I should warn you that this post is not directly related to Miller in case you want to stop reading. It is about San Diego, which is where Fred and I went over my Spring Break. Miller stayed with her Memama in Columbia. We missed her a lot since this was our first time away from her  for any length of time, but we all lived to tell about it. We stayed in Pacific Beach, which was a little random. We went to the San Diego Zoo and Balboa Park, where I almost perished due to hunger and a lack of dining options that were not inside museums. We went to Coronado, saw the seals and shopped in LaJolla, and drove up the coast visiting Del Mar,and Laguna Beach. I ate all of the avocado in California. If you are ever in San Diego I want to eat at The Mission. And I think you should get the breakfast quesedilla. I had it twice.

You should probably also eat at Cafe 222. We had peanut butter banana french toast (as seen on Best Thing I Ever Ate.) Holy Moly.

 Here are some random pictures from our trip.


We did not see Kristen Cavaleri or anyone. Not even Lo. 

We definitely paid like $8 to climb down some stairs into this cave. Random. 

Sunset Cliffs. Pretty.

SD was fun times. It was a little cold though. It was 90 degrees in Key West, which was our other vacation option. Oops. Maybe next time.