Friday, August 3, 2012

2 Year Check-Up

We went for Miller's 2 year well visit last Wednesday. No, she's not two yet, but she has had some medical drama (as usual) that we had to check on so we just combined the two appointments. Everything was fine (as usual.) Miller always talks about going to the doctor and gets all excited about it, but the minute they try to get her to lay down on that table she bugs out. She cried more today because she had to lay down than she did when they gave her a shot. She didn't cry at all for her finger prick. She actually watched very intently-maybe she will grow up to be a doctor. Or at the very least, maybe she won't have a panic attack at the sight of a needle like her mommy. Her stats were all medium-ish. Her height and weight were around the 65th percentile and her head was 74th. The kid has a big head, what can I say? She weighed 26 pounds. We aren't exactly sure about her height though, because she wouldn't lay down on the table and was freaking out. The nurse marked up her hair bow with the pen instead of the paper since Miller was struggling so much and then just gave up. I can't believe she is about to be TWO!

At the doctor....

In additional doctor-related news, we went back to the allergist this week to find out if Mills is still allergic to eggs. They also checked for a peanut allergy. They told us to hold off on feeding her peanuts until this appointment, because the egg allergy makes her more likely to be allergic to peanuts. The verdict....we have a winner (the words the allergist used.) If it wasn't bad enough that she has to travel to birthday parties with her own cupcake, now the poor baby is a peanut kid. Ewwwww. I mean, what's life without peanut butter? I hope she grows out of it!

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