Wednesday, September 18, 2013

One Month Update

Bo had his one month doctor's appointment last week-you know, the  one where I traditionally get reprimanded for overfeeding my babies? Yep, that happened again. When we went to the doctor 2 days after leaving the hospital, Bo weighed 7 lbs (down from 7lbs, 8oz.) Two weeks later when we went to get his head checked (more on that later), he was up to 8lbs 6oz. So, when we went for the  one month visit, the kid was up to 10 lbs 8oz- he gained more than 2 pounds in 2 weeks! If you are doing the math on that, he should weigh about 60 pounds by the age of one if we keep this up. Ha. I told the doctor that he was waking up about every hour and a half at night. Her exact words were, "He's playing you!" It's nice to know that he can already outsmart me. She suggested that I send Fred in when he wakes up and it's not time to eat. No problem, lady! Too bad Bo stopped waking up so much immediately after that appointment, so I haven't had the chance to make Fred get up with him multiple times per night like I have been too many times. Oh, well. It's rough being the milk-making parent! Bo is working on sleeping better, and with the help of super-tight swaddling and the Mamaroo, which is a magical baby sleep machine sent down directly from heaven, we're all getting a little more sleep around here.

So, not only is Bo giant in general, his head is also growing at an alarming  rate. For those of you who haven't heard, we had a little scare with his head size about 2 weeks before he was born. At our last ultrasound, Bo's head was measuring around the 10th percentile. Anything below 10% causes the doctors to be concerned about microcephaly, which can cause all manner of horrible problems-don't Google it! They sent us to Maternal Fetal Medicine, and that doctor basically said that I have a small head too (thanks, lady) and it would probably be ok, but she couldn't really guarantee that there wasn't a problem. Needless to say, as soon as Bo was born I was hollering, "How does his head look?" Strangely, the OB did not act at all concerned about his head once it was out of me. Apparently, he becomes the pediatrician's problem the second he enters the world. Long story short, his head was still small but he appeared to be fine. At our first appointment, his head measured in the 8th percentile, but he still seemed ok otherwise. They brought us back two weeks later to check again and it measured in the 51st percentile-what? I have no idea how that happened. Then, at our one month appointment, it was up to the 60th percentile. So, either we have a case of an alarmingly fast-growing head (unlikely), or his head was just squished in my belly and got back to normal once it got a little space to grow. Sheesh! Undoubtedly, my babies just enjoy a little unnecessary medical drama.

Other than the head drama, things are going well for Baby Bo. There has been some reflux drama, but we put him on Zantac and I think it is actually doing something. I am surprised, because all it did for Miller was make her scream while spitting Zantac at us rather than just scream. Bo seems a lot more laid back than his sister at this point. He naps like a champ!  He is even taking a pacifier, which is an amazing device by the way. I had no idea how easy parenting could be when you can just shove something in the kid's mouth to make him stop crying. It's so easy that I feel like I am cheating.

All in all, Bo's a good boy. I think we'll keep him.

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