Wednesday, August 28, 2013

It's Bo Time!

(Image from here: 

I guess I need to change the name of the blog since it's now Miller Time and Bo Time! I'm not sure how both of our kids ended up with names that are part of an "It's Something Time" slogan. Oops. BoJangles is Fred's favorite, so I guess it's fitting.

Anyway, Baby Bo was born on Saturday, August 10th at 2:59 PM. We got to the hospital around noon, so the whole deal only lasted three hours. I am still terrified when I think that if we had waited any longer or gone to Whole Foods that morning like we were planning, I might not have had time for an epidural (or morphine) -yikes! There is not a long, drawn out birth story with this one. He just basically flew out. Can't complain about that!

Bo Bo was almost the exact same size as Miller. He weighed 7 lbs 8oz (M was 7 lbs 9 oz) and was 21.5 inches long (the same height as M.) And here he is.....

Bo looks exactly like M did when she was born, only more rugged and manly of course. It will be interesting to see if his hair turns blonde and whether they turn out to be a  matched set once he gets older!

This big sister is nothing short of obsessed with "her" baby. She has done awesome with the transition and just wants to love on  her brother all the time. So far so good....

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