Sunday, January 26, 2014

Bo Bo's First Christmas

Well, let me start off by saying that all my dreams of matching Christmas outfits and beautiful pictures did not come true this year. While we did have a great Christmas, we were really not able to capture that on camera. Our Christmas cards ended up having separate individual pictures of each kid after MANY failed attempts and tears. I think everyone here except for Fred ending up crying during at least one of our photo sessions. Oh, well. Maybe next year. Here are some outtakes...

The Santa pictures were equally horrible. Bo was asleep in the line. I thought it would work out perfectly and we would just hand over a sweet sleeping baby. Then he woke up and just looked really confused and/or mad in all of the pictures. Womp, womp. 

Miller's class did a little Christmas program in which they screamed sang a few songs while wearing animal prints. It was super cute. 

Then, it was Christmas. 

Santa brought Disney tickets, which were hidden in Miller's stocking. Now, we had convinced her that she should ask Santa for the tickets but that he might not bring them because she might not  be old enough to go to Disney. When she thought she had seen all of her presents, she almost started crying because she thought she wasn't getting the tickets. She was trying so hard to be brave and act happy. It was really sweet. When she did finally find the tickets, she said "Oh, that's gonna be so fun!"and then just kept digging through her stocking. It wasn't the amazing moment I had anticipated, but that's usually how it goes right? We also started Elf on the Shelf this year. Miller started out terrified of it, but eventually got into it. She named her elf Elf. Anyway, Miller had a great Christmas and was really into everything. Bo just pretty much played with a gold ribbon and slept. 

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